Neil joined Linda in setting up Strategic Perspectives in 2022.
Previously, he led the French climate NGO network, Réseau Action Climat France, on European policies for more than five years. He initiated and coordinated French climate movement campaigns on various climate and energy legislative packages, built synergies with different stakeholders on European policy, and created a strong NGO role in Paris to influence EU policies.
As the person in charge of French civil society actions for the 2019 EU elections, he became one of the voices calling for bold climate reforms and a green and socially-just agenda for Europe. Neil also contributed to the French EU Council Presidency by representing the European climate movement in an ongoing dialogue with French decision-makers, contributing to some of the successful outcomes of the ‘Fit for 55’ package.
Before working in Paris for the civil society on climate change, Neil worked to push EU decision-makers to support better conditions for railways in Europe, promoting investments, fair competition and infrastructure improvements for ERFA, a railway organisation based in Brussels. Prior to this, he worked for Marie-Noëlle Battistel, a member of the French National Assembly, and for the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council in Brussels.
In addition to Strategic Perspectives, Neil is involved in shaping the Jean Jaurès Foundation’s paradigm for Europe’s green transition, contributing his expertise and thoughts. He is also a board member of Transport & Environment, the leading European NGO on transport.
Neil is based in Paris, France. He speaks native French and fluent English, with knowledge of Spanish and Russian. He enjoys rail travel, sailing and cross-country skiing.